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NaNoWriMo - what's that? Well, it's short for National Novel Writing Month. There's an online program to go along with it and everything. Basically, the point is to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. I wrote both of my full-length novels surprisingly fast and, though I would love to partake in this challenge and give myself and excuse to focus on writing at this magnitude for thirty days, I am not technically writing a novel right now; I am editing one.

I thought about starting another one, since I have ideas in abundance, and I am often found jotting down notes, outlines, or character descriptions for any one of these stories at any given time. I may sit down on the sofa for a rest, and my mind might just slip away into another world where people are chasing dreams, reuniting after years apart, or finding their purpose later in life. And then, of course, I must get up and write these brilliant ideas down, lest I forget them. I can rest later, right?

Truth is, I'm in a festive mood. Instead of starting another one of my full-length novels (I have said before that I prefer to have two projects going at the same time, haven't I?), I thought I'd start the Christmas romance I've had bouncing around in my head. It disappeared into the very back files of my brain for a bit, but it jumped back out to me recently and I thought, "why not?" I could certainly use a little Christmas cheer. Who couldn't use a little of that? Even the Grinch needed it!

So, for NaNoWriMo, I think I'll set a goal to write a little of this story every day. I don't think it will be quite 50,000 words at completion and so this is my own officially unofficial writing challenge this month, and for where I'm at, it's a bit lofty. But that's ok; I've learned to give myself grace to fall back when needed in this season and I fully intend to use that grace here, if necessary.

Tell me, if you liked Text Me, Maybe, would you like another light-hearted romance that is similar? Perhaps with a little heavier substance, more meaningful romance, and a dash of gingerbread spice?


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